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Prevention Saves Lives

Every January organizations around the world stop to focus on human trafficking awareness. It’s a time to get the word out to the general public about the evils of trafficking and inspire them to join the fight for the prevention and rescue of traffic victims. 

Here at Uncaged, this is a reality we focus on every single day. When we set out to make an impact for survivors in Romania and beyond, we knew that meant rescue, world-class aftercare, and trauma-informed therapy. Very quickly we learned that the only thing that is better than walking with a survivor on the road to transformation is preventing trafficking before it begins. Prevention saves lives!

Most Traffic Victims Are Not Identified or Freed

Once people have been caught in the cycle of trafficking, identifying and rescuing them is difficult. The statistics show the scale of the problem. We know that probably it is likely that less than 20% of victims are ever identified. Only 1% of survivors will ever be freed. 

The numbers are more staggering than we can even imagine. So much happens in the darkness that never comes to light. During Covid, far fewer victims were identified and fewer traffickers were prosecuted. It was easier for traffickers to move about and to hide.

We know that can change! It requires training first responders who have a higher likelihood of coming across traffickers and their victims. Click to read more about who those people are and how we are educating them! It means blanketing whole communities and nations with knowledge about how to protect themselves. 

The U.S. Department of State releases a Trafficking in Persons report every June, looking at trends across the world. The 2023 report showed that progress was made in 2022 with the highest number of victims identified since 2019 (115,324) and more prosecutions than any time in the past 6 years (15,159).

More Awareness Means More Trafficking Stopped

So, it is essential that people know the signs. How would you spot someone who is being trafficked? Would you know what to look for? That is why our ambitious and exciting project partnering with the Romanian Ministry of Transportation is so essential! The more people we can educate across the general public, the more awareness grows. The more awareness grows, the more traffickers can be stopped!

Our own team was recently trained by a new volunteer who joined The Freedom Highway so they can staff the emergency hotline utilized advertised on the monitors we’ve installed in Romanian airports and train stations.He educated our team members on how to respond when people call in. They might have seen something suspicious in the airport. It could be a victim who needs help. They know what to see and how to get them connected to the help they need. 

Do YOU know what to look for?

We can stay watchful in our own communities. Not only will this help protect our own sons and daughters, but you could spot others who are being trafficked. You could step in and help! These are some of the signs we teach people to look for, whether they encounter someone in the airport or in their classroom or emergency room. 

Will you become part of The Freedom Highway and educate yourself, too? Here are some red flags to look for that could indicate someone is in a trafficking situation: He or she:  

  • lives with multiple people in a cramped space. 

  • experiences poor living conditions. 

  • is prohibited from speaking alone to strangers. 

  • gives answers that appear to be scripted and rehearsed. 

  • has an employer holding their identity documents. 

  • shows signs of physical abuse. 

  • is submissive or fearful. 

  • appears malnourished or has poor dental health

  • avoids eye contact, social interaction, and authority figures/law enforcement

  • Has tattoos/ branding on the neck and/or lower back

  • Is traveling with older males, and referring to those males as boyfriend or “daddy,” which is often street slang for pimp

Help us reach more with the message of prevention? Give today.

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Today we are reaching 48,000 more people a day with the message of prevention than we were this time last year! Can you imagine where we could be in another year with your help?

We told you about this huge opportunity late last year—we formed a partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Transportation to install monitors in key airports and train stations. They not only gave us the go-ahead to install monitors but also to craft the messaging. 

We created videos that tell travelers how to spot situations of trafficking and speak up to stop it. If a woman is being trafficked, she can learn how to get help and get in touch with our team. We were also allowed to train the staff at these key locations, empowering Romanians to take the fight against trafficking into their own hands. They know how to protect themselves and others!

Phase one of this exciting project is complete. We have 10 monitors now running every day in the Bucharest airport and train station. They are in the best locations, right next to the ticket booths and waiting areas. 

We’re so excited to be reaching potential victims, educating travelers, and equipping Romaians to actively prevent trafficking. But this is only the beginning! 

We want to begin Phase Two of this ambitious project as soon as we’re able. This means putting up more screens, making more videos, signs and recorded messages for loudspeakers, as well as training airport staff. Our goal is to reach 3 airports and 16 train stations—which could help 448,000 travelers learn about prevention. 

Another group in Romania saw our monitors and asked us, “Why don’t we have these?” They asked to use our content. More agencies and organizations are not only learning about Uncaged and trusting our work, but are learning about how to protect their communities.

You’re the key to getting this information to more people across Eastern Europe. Thank you for your support that has made this possible. We want to see this message spread as far as it can in 2024! 

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Rescuing survivors requires training first responders and the general public. They become allies and advocates and The Freedom Highway grows. Yet, rescue is only the beginning. 

Imagine a human trafficking survivor who has newly escaped. She longs for a safe place but the road to get there is long.

If we all come together we can provide what she needs on this journey: medical care, food, clothing, travel costs and documentation, and intake support once she arrives at The Sanctuary. 

Will you travel along the Freedom Highway with her?

Unlock her freedom with your donation before the year is over!

See how your gifts can change lives this coming year:

  • $50 can provide documentation for a survivor who needs it to travel.

  • $100 will go toward intake support of a survivor when she arrives at The Sanctuary.

  • $500 allows us to provide training in trafficking prevention for local community in a European Country. 

  • $1000 will provide a survivor with legal fees, trauma care, and in some cases transportation home to Romania.

  • $2500 can pay for one monitor installed in either an airport or train station. The message of prevention will reach 48,000 people a day! 

Your gifts pave the way to freedom! Give now.

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