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Writer's pictureKim Westfall, Founder

We Could Reach Hundreds of Thousands a Day with the Message of Prevention!

Have you ever heard messages over train or airport intercoms telling you to say something if you see something? Have you seen signs in bathrooms indicating how to reach out for help if you are being trafficked?

These are vital parts of prevention and rescue! While these measures may be common in the West, they are not in Eastern Europe. Suppose we do nothing to educate travelers and staff at border crossings about human trafficking. In that case, we are allowing a major pipeline to remain open. This is how thousands of women and girls from Eastern Europe are being trafficked!

Earlier this year, we were filming the real-life story of prevention in action (don’t miss this story below)! We were with members of staff and the film crew in an airport in Romania. When the airport staff heard the anti-trafficking knowledge saved two girls from slavery, they said, “We need this here!”

The door opened for us to work in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Transportation!

We are working with them to install TV monitors in strategic train stations and airports across Romania. They will show videos on trafficking awareness, safety information, and directions to safe spaces within the train station and airport. Most importantly, we will be able to tell victims how to connect with our organization by phone. This is a huge step in educating the general public in Eastern Europe about the trafficking happening in their countries and across their borders!

Romanian nationals want to stop traffickers from succeeding in their schemes and to protect their people. By partnering with them and working with the Ministry of Transportation, we can reach a large audience, including potential victims and travelers with vital information! They will be equipped to actively prevent trafficking. We want survivors to know that there is a safe space for them and that there are people who care. Remember 78% of survivors found in Europe are Romanian.

The strategy we’ve outlined will install TV monitors that the Ministry will maintain, so we are working hand-in-hand with Romania in this ambitious effort! We are starting with 10 screens in a major train station and airport that will reach 48,000 travelers a day!

We're asking people like you to help us with phase two of our project within a year. This phase involves putting up screens, making videos and signs, recording messages for the loudspeakers, and training airport staff. Our goal is to do this in three airports and 16 train stations. This could help around 448,000 travelers every day learn about stopping trafficking and staying safe.

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