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Stand With Us Against Trafficking

We're seeing more passion for making change now than I ever have before. I can’t help but think of what would happen if all of this determination and energy got channeled towards ending human trafficking. United, we could end this global darkness once and for all.  We still have a lot of work to do. You may have heard that the 2020 Trafficking In Persons report came out last month. Romania was ranked as a Tier 2 Watch List Country, one step away from the lowest ranking possible. Unfortunately, it’s easy to see that trafficking is still a huge problem there. 78% of sex trafficking survivors rescued in Europe are from either Romania or Moldova. 50% of these survivors are children. Romania is the biggest source of sex trafficking survivors in Europe. Ending trafficking in Europe means ending trafficking in Romania.

The Romanian Government is ready for change. They’re asking for support from organizations like us and from people like you. We believe we are uniquely poised to help Romania become a Tier 1 Country, the best ranking, by 2022. At the request of our partners in Romania, Uncaged has put together a pledge that people like you can sign to declare your support for anti-trafficking efforts. Let's show the world just how massive this movement really is! Now is the time to take action. I’d like to invite to join me in growing the coalition to end sex trafficking worldwide.

You can help Romania eradicate trafficking just by declaring that you’re committed to the cause. Our partners in Romania know that hearing voices from places like the USA and Canada will accelerate movement in Europe.

Will you sign the pledge and help us put an end to human trafficking? Your voice is key in this fight. Like with everything we do for these survivors, your support swings the door to freedom wide open.  You can sign the pledge here or below. Your voice is powerful beyond measure. Let’s do this together for the survivors.

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