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One Key Partnership in Romania

Hello Friends,

Things have been heating up in Romania around trafficking, with more reports of abuses coming into the public eye. While the stories are heartbreaking, we’re excited to see this darkness come to light. It’s moving people to act! The government and citizens are starting to notice, and rallying against it. The army to end trafficking is growing, and we get to be a catalyst of it at a local level.

Beni has been hard at work cultivating strategic relationships near the property of the first Sanctuary. He’s been meeting with law enforcement, the education department, and government officials. They’ve all offered their partnership and support. The education department has even offered to let us use some public school spaces and let younger Survivors attend their classes. We feel so blessed by the favor we’ve received so far.

The Mayor in particular has offered to advocate for us. We’re learning just how many benefits he can offer an NGO like us! He has invited all of the residents of the Sanctuary to city-organized events. He’s granting us access to public schools, cultural venues, and even offered to assist us in accessing local funding. He’s offered to partner with us in receiving national sponsorships that require mayoral support. At his behest, the city is going to help us maintain the Sanctuary property whenever possible. He’s even extended us the use of the local pharmacy and medical clinics for healing Survivors.

In return, he’s asked us to train local parents, educators, law enforcement, and students using our seminars. We’re thrilled! Doing preventative work that stymies trafficking before it shatters more people is the best trade we could imagine. Together we’re strategizing the most effective ways to limit abuse and trafficking at a community level. Ultimately, we’re going to get programs started the benefit the whole community.

To keep this momentum going, I've been in Romania this past week. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

We’re grateful for your friendship and support. It’s amazing to watch God mobilize His people. Will you keep the energy moving forward and share about Uncaged with someone this week?

You hold the keys to freedom!

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