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One Challenge and One Opportunity

We are writing today with a mixture of hope and sadness. We recently learned that 3 of the survivors we have been working with have COVID-19. They each have pre-existing medical conditions directly caused by their time in slavery. They are doing alright, but they have a tough recovery ahead of them.

When we first got the news, our first thought was, "Haven't these precious women been through enough?" Even though they're free, the effects of trafficking are still leaving them vulnerable.

This has to end! We are ready to provide survivors with holistic care at the first Sanctuary. Our trauma-informed program includes spiritual, physical, psychological, and vocational care. We want them to get free, stay free, and undo the effects of slavery as much as we can. It's why we've spent time during COVID-19 designing a 6-week stabilization program at our first Sanctuary. These key 6 weeks will lay the foundation for a survivors' long-term healing over the next two years.

Right now, we are facing one challenge and one opportunity to make this stabilization program possible. The challenge is the travel bans that persist in Europe. We have identified multiple survivors who would be ideal for our program. Unfortunately, we can't get to them yet.

Can we ask you to pray for these travel bans to lift so we can get these survivors to safety?

Our team is planning to receive over 30 survivors this year. The Sanctuary is the optimal place for them to come and heal. We know getting these precious souls to the first Sanctuary takes a huge investment of energy and resources. Unlocking their transformation is worth it! Right now, generous people like you have given 78% of the funds we need to own fully the property of the first Sanctuary. We are in need of $410,000 to pay the property off.

Will you join us? In spite of these trying times, we would like to invite you to consider freeing a survivor once and for all by investing in this transformational space. These women have been through unimaginable hardship. They deserve so much more.

Together we can open the door to a life of beauty and gladness instead of ashes and mourning.

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