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Writer's pictureKim Westfall, Founder

An Update on Snowy: The Slow Work of Emerging

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

Snowy asked God to set her free or to kill her. Her little body and spirit were broken from three years of living in hell with the trafficker who went by “Papa.” God answered her prayer and brought her to us! That was four years ago.

Because of people like you who have chosen to partner with our mission to eradicate human trafficking and unlock transformation for its survivors, Snowy’s story did not end in hopelessness. In the past four years, we’ve been able to keep her from the clutches of her trafficker who tried to get her back, and we were able to reunite her with her four siblings who were already being victimized. We’ve watched her flourish with her host family, loving and serving others.

We’re thrilled to give you a new update on Snowy. We were able to visit with her and her family recently. Her host parents, who we will call Vlad and Eva, have biological children of their own, but have made sure Snowy and her four siblings are entirely a part of the family, too.

Over pizza and ice cream, they told us about the progress being made in the lives of each of these children. We were there to celebrate Snowy’s graduation from high school—with honors! We were thrilled when we heard of her plans to attend university. Snowy had learned to dream again while nurtured and safe with Vlad and Eva. She excels in chemistry and has won several awards for piano and Romanian literature. She dreams of becoming a veterinarian or a teacher.

Snowy’s journey to transformation has not been easy. Vlad told us about some of the horrors she experienced. There were nights before Snowy was exploited that the abuse in her home was so bad she ran and slept in the local cemetery. She figured that would be a place where her biological parents would not think to look for her. Eventually, they sold her for a bottle of wine.

Vlad and Eva said taking in five little souls that have been used and abused has been no small feat, yet they spoke of the deep satisfaction they feel. They shared what an honor it is to bring these kids “back to life” and how they feel it is their calling in life. We can’t imagine the horrors these children have lived through and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for people like Vlad & Eva who are willing to open their hearts and homes to these precious children that have to endure such complex trauma.

Vlad’s eyes filled with tears when he told us he was an orphan who grew up “in the system” himself. His pain is now compelling him to help children that would have been in the same situation, but can now find a place of healing and restoration instead.

“They are like little caterpillars,” Vlad said of his children—including Snowy. He sees their home as the chrysalis, where hard and important work occurs. No one sees the long, arduous process that happens inside the chrysalis. Inside, the little creature is struggling to become a new creation. But it happens. Slowly but surely, it happens. They grow wings and break through, emerging more beautiful than ever before.

That is our hope and prayer for Snowy and her siblings. It takes people like Vlad and Eva to shelter and love survivors. It also takes YOU. To provide homes, education, care, and all that is needed for long-term restoration, we walk alongside survivors for years.

Thank you for being a part of Snowy’s story. In her case, she and her four siblings are on the road to a beautiful future. They have been rescued and are being transformed. They are so grateful and so are we.

Will you help us walk this long road with more survivors like them? Will you give today so that more doors are opened and these beautiful children of the Creator can fly free?

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