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Writer's pictureKim Westfall, Founder

Activate Your Network

You may feel there is not much you can do to make an impact on the huge problem of human trafficking. Your gifts can make a difference.

But, your impact goes beyond a single gift! Mother Theresa said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

You could be the person that begins a ripple that turns into a mighty wave of freedom!

You have a network - connections with your family, small group, church, and friends. Could you be the one to spread the truth about human trafficking with your inner circle?

How do you do that? We’ve made it easy!

#1 - Share Upcaged with a Friend.

If you're not already on our email list, subscribe today. Then, send the link to a friend and ask them to subscribe. Help them grow in their understanding of the problem of human trafficking and how they can be a part of the solution.

#2 - Download our free Bible Study (and share it)!

We’ve developed a Bible Study that highlights God’s passion for the cause. We would love to share Bathed In Sunlight with you for free, and encourage you to share it with your inner circle. Then, encourage them to share it with their small groups, churches, friends…and on, and on. We can see a ripple effect that reaches wider, impassioning more people to answer God’s call to announce freedom to all captives (Isaiah 61).

#3 - Take a step.

We aren’t asking you to go into the trenches and onto the frontlines to help survivors. Our incredible team is trained, positioned, and ready to make an impact in Eastern Europe and beyond. But we need YOU standing behind us praying, encouraging, and supporting us.

What’s your step? Asking your small group or church to study Bathed In Sunlight together? Is it to make a donation for the first time? Maybe it is to commit to monthly giving by becoming a Key Holder? To increase your monthly giving?

You may only be one person. But you can take your stone and cast it across the waters to create many ripples. Pray. Give. Activate your network. Unlock freedom for survivors today!

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