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What's Happening


Hello Friends,

We are gaining so much momentum in both Romania and the US! Our Romania team, Beni and Rodica, have been traveling around the US with me this month. They’re sharing on-the-ground stories of freeing women in Romania. Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated Uncaged with a night of music alongside Phil Keaggy and Jeremy Casella in Nashville. The army is growing and the movement is building. We're getting so close to purchasing the land for the first Sanctuary, and it’s so inspiring to see the Church come together to free the captives!

We need every hand to fight this evil; each one of you makes a huge impact. I wanted to highlight someone in our network who has worked tirelessly to be the key. Corki has worked for years in the business world getting start-up businesses up and running. She traveled with me to Romania a few weeks ago, where she toured the property we are looking at for our first Sanctuary! She has thrown herself whole-heartedly into catalyzing Uncaged.

When I ask her why she first got involved, she simply said,

“I love Jesus. It’s really clear that without Him we have no hope. I want to love him and serve others in a way that brings Him glory.”

Isn’t it heartening to do work that brings God glory?

You may remember a couple of months ago, we were racing to free six Survivors from languishing in a Romanian jail cell. They were running out of time and were about to be transferred to a location where they would have almost certainly been re-trafficked. Beni shared the situation with Corki, and she sprang into action.

Within forty-eight hours, Corki had raised the funds for the Survivors’ release. She had even mobilized enough support to transport them to their various host families. I was stunned and overwhelmed with gratitude. The Survivors left the jail cell within days. It felt like a miracle!

When I asked her about it, she spread her hands, “God made it clear that something needed to be done by somebody.” What an amazing partner!

We are so grateful to have a network of people fighting with us to bring survivors to a place of peace and safety. One day soon, The Sanctuary will be that place. As we work towards that day, Corki reminds us that together, we can unlock transformation for thousands of survivors.

Corki reminds me that we truly hold the keys to freedom. If one person can free six women in two days, imagine what we can do together!

Thank you for being the key to unlocking Survivors’ transformation. 

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Updated: Nov 14, 2019

Hello Friends,

We’ve been fighting trafficking together for almost one year now. I’m taking some time to reflect on what we’ve experienced so far. It is truly awe-inspiring to think of how far we’ve come in restoring the shattered hearts and minds of Survivors. We have our eyes on the property for the first Sanctuary. We’ve created a network of local support in Romania. We’ve already rescued forty-five Survivors this year. Truly, we are unlocking cages together.

None of this would be possible without God’s support, and He’s been with us every step of the way. I want to share with you a divine moment, a “pop-up,” as my sister and I like to call them. I have felt so grateful that God sends us these little reminders that show us that we are on the right track. These pop-ups keep my heart going when the burden of sex trafficking feels like too much to bear. I hope they’ll inspire you too.

In August of 2018, I was attending our Security & Psychology Summit in California. We brought together a contingent of experts to map out Uncaged’s initial strategy. I sat in conversations with people whose expertise far exceeded my own. I could barely follow some of the conversations as they were laden with jargon in fields I didn’t understand. Midway through the week, I went to my favorite bench overlooking the ocean and prayed, “God, are you sure you have the right person for this job? And am I on the right track?" I asked. Doubts swirled in my mind.

When I was walking back to the building after prayer, I noticed an aloe leaf. On it, someone had carved in big letters a word... “Romania.” I thought it was strange because I knew nothing about Romania. Regardless, I felt the leaf was for me and snapped a photo of it. In the days following I was introduced to Beni Lup, who has since become our partner on the ground in (you guessed it) Romania! And since then we have discovered that Romania will be the location of our first Sanctuary.

A couple months later I was back in the same location. I had a particularly difficult day where I felt betrayed and alone. Feeling utterly discouraged, I wandered out on the same path and simply gazed out across the ocean. “Lord,” I prayed, “I am here to remind you that these traffic survivors are Your people, and this is Your problem. It’s feeling really heavy right now, and I’m not sure that I can do this.” I hung my head.


king down at the ground, another leaf caught my eye. On it, the word “Romania” glistened once again! Tears and laughter welled up in me. “God, you’re hilarious,” I said, shaking my head. This time, I knew that message was for me. I ran for my phone and snapped another photo.

Ever since that week, God continues to show me why Romania is a strategic location to co

mbat human trafficking. So many precious Survivors hail from this country. How great is it that we get to turn this nation, so vulnerable to trafficking, back into a land of healing and hope?

I’ll probably never know who carved the word Romania into those two leaves, but I’m grateful that they did. I’m even more grateful for the journey God has put us on with Uncaged.

Who can stand against us? Let’s bring healing to hundreds, even thousands of Survivors.

We hold the keys to freedom.

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Updated: Nov 14, 2019

Hello Friends,

My heart is bursting - Luminita and Alina are safe! Both were held by the mob and made daring escapes from slavery. Beni and Rodica picked them up from a squalid jail cell a few weeks ago. They're back home in Romania now, with loving families who will care for them as they heal.

Your prayers and support make such a difference in the journey of these Survivors. I can't believe that we have already rescued 41 Survivors this year alone. Truly, we're bringing freedom to these precious captives.

I believe this work echoes into eternity. We're reclaiming territory from evil, and fighting for treasured children. I'd like to share an incredible detail one of the Survivors told Beni on the car ride back to Romania.

Artwork Courtesy of Hyatt Moore

One evening while being attacked, one of the Survivors had a vision.

She saw Jesus dressed in white.

He stood alongside her, both of his arms bound and tightened in chains.

He had tears flowing from his eyes.

What a powerful reminder that when we rescue a Survivor, we are rescuing Jesus himself. He has always identified with the downtrodden, and He's calling us to act!

We are working to create the ideal place for Survivors' holistic healing -- The Sanctuary. We are spreading this message of hope and healing around the country. I've just gotten back from a support-raising expedition. We connected with world-class artisans, professionals, and experts. The army is growing by the dozens each week.

Let's keep forging ahead for Alina, Luminita, and the dozens of other Survivors they've told us about. We're racing to find them, and we know Jesus is right beside them.Please join me in saying, “We’re coming. God has not forgotten you, and neither have we. We're coming as fast as we can.

You hold the key to freedom.

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Our mission is to eradicate human trafficking and unlock transformation for its survivors. Uncaged supports healing for survivors through holistic, trauma-informed care. We equip survivors to stay free. We partner with leaders around the globe to prevent trafficking by offering resources, training, and by sharing our model.

Learn more about how we hold the key to transformation and freedom.


T: (404) 480-0449

PO Box 80163
Atlanta, GA 30366


Uncaged’s Communication Policy >

Uncaged adheres to a strict policy of never revealing the identity of a traffic survivor. To ensure that we never re-exploit a survivor, all images and names have been changed.

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