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Two Survivors are Safe


Updated: Nov 14, 2019

Hello Friends,

My heart is bursting - Luminita and Alina are safe! Both were held by the mob and made daring escapes from slavery. Beni and Rodica picked them up from a squalid jail cell a few weeks ago. They're back home in Romania now, with loving families who will care for them as they heal.

Your prayers and support make such a difference in the journey of these Survivors. I can't believe that we have already rescued 41 Survivors this year alone. Truly, we're bringing freedom to these precious captives.

I believe this work echoes into eternity. We're reclaiming territory from evil, and fighting for treasured children. I'd like to share an incredible detail one of the Survivors told Beni on the car ride back to Romania.

Artwork Courtesy of Hyatt Moore

One evening while being attacked, one of the Survivors had a vision.

She saw Jesus dressed in white.

He stood alongside her, both of his arms bound and tightened in chains.

He had tears flowing from his eyes.

What a powerful reminder that when we rescue a Survivor, we are rescuing Jesus himself. He has always identified with the downtrodden, and He's calling us to act!

We are working to create the ideal place for Survivors' holistic healing -- The Sanctuary. We are spreading this message of hope and healing around the country. I've just gotten back from a support-raising expedition. We connected with world-class artisans, professionals, and experts. The army is growing by the dozens each week.

Let's keep forging ahead for Alina, Luminita, and the dozens of other Survivors they've told us about. We're racing to find them, and we know Jesus is right beside them.Please join me in saying, “We’re coming. God has not forgotten you, and neither have we. We're coming as fast as we can.

You hold the key to freedom.

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Our mission is to eradicate human trafficking and unlock transformation for its survivors. Uncaged supports healing for survivors through holistic, trauma-informed care. We equip survivors to stay free. We partner with leaders around the globe to prevent trafficking by offering resources, training, and by sharing our model.

Learn more about how we hold the key to transformation and freedom.


T: (404) 480-0449

PO Box 80163
Atlanta, GA 30366


Uncaged’s Communication Policy >

Uncaged adheres to a strict policy of never revealing the identity of a traffic survivor. To ensure that we never re-exploit a survivor, all images and names have been changed.

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