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The Sweetness of Freedom


Updated: Sep 18, 2019

Hi Friends,

I’m writing today with a full heart. Watching Survivors’ restoration unfold is more incredible than I could have imagined!

We’ve been tracking with the six survivors we most recently rescued. They inspire us everyday with their bravery and resilience. As they heal, they’ve been finding their voices and telling us their stories. We wanted to share some of their words with you today.

"When [the couple hosting me] told me that I am free to move into a home with people that love me, I questioned that. Who can love you without even seeing you? Last Sunday I heard an old man who read from a Bible saying: ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.’ Yes, there one who loves without seeing you first." - Survivor, 23

Isn’t it a gift to demonstrate radical and divine love to these women?

Their words remind us why we’re doing this work; we’re freeing children that God loves more dearly than we ever could. As we talk with each of these precious Survivors, they show us we’re partnering in a much greater love already at work. We underestimate it too easily!

For many of our Survivors, freedom is truly a miracle. Most of them have been praying and yearning for years for freedom, for a new life, for family. A 26-year old Survivor told us this story:

"I went to church last week and had the best surprise in years. When I stepped into the church, my children were there with my mother. The angels took my prayer to God and He answered after 4 years. They are beautiful. I have a reason to fight and to live for. Thank you for helping me be free and alive."

You hold the keys to freedom; together we get to unlock the cage and answer Survivors’ prayers.

Each rescue starts a ripple effect. Thank you for being part of this ordained work.

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Our mission is to eradicate human trafficking and unlock transformation for its survivors. Uncaged supports healing for survivors through holistic, trauma-informed care. We equip survivors to stay free. We partner with leaders around the globe to prevent trafficking by offering resources, training, and by sharing our model.

Learn more about how we hold the key to transformation and freedom.


T: (404) 480-0449

PO Box 80163
Atlanta, GA 30366


Uncaged’s Communication Policy >

Uncaged adheres to a strict policy of never revealing the identity of a traffic survivor. To ensure that we never re-exploit a survivor, all images and names have been changed.

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