The Need is Desperate
As we watch the children in our communities head back to school, we imagine all they will learn this year. What will they need to grow into happy, successful adults? What will we need to impart to them? Do we ever stop to think that they need to know how to protect themselves and their friends from human trafficking?
Children all over the world are at risk of human trafficking. The evils of modern-day slavery are not only in some faraway countries. They are in our backyards.
But there are places where the risk is higher, communities that desperately need to know how to spot the dangers. Romania is one of these places. 78% of trafficking victims in Europe are Romanian. It is a hot spot for this horrible crime, and we are committed to making sure that this number goes down for the next generation!
Our team has been invited to many schools in the area surrounding The Sanctuary. The word is spreading about our mission to eradicate human trafficking and unlock transformation for its survivors, and more principals are asking us to come to train their teachers and students.
When they stay aware, they can stay safe!
School-age children are at a high risk of trafficking, but they are not powerless. We can empower them to be a part of the solution. They can change their generation!

Members of our time visit all the classes in a school. Based on their age, we provide appropriate information on how to keep themselves safe in the environments of school, home, and online.
An important lesson we teach them is to understand the grooming method. We are seeing this happen in the communities and the schools. An adult will reach out to a minor and plant seeds in their mind, trying to normalize a relationship with them despite the age gap. They will ask the child to keep a secret. It’s a good secret, they say.
We teach kids of all ages the difference between a good secret (like a surprise party) and a dangerous secret.
Always before our leaving, the students and staff tell us they didn’t know a lot of the information we shared. They ask us to come back to teach more and share with other principals that they need the training, too.
You can help more children stay safe. Your gift allows us to visit more schools, educate more communities, and empower a generation. Will you protect their future today?